(Yay! I’ve been meaning to do this for so long! I love quizzes, and… maybe I just let you take the quiz. Enjoy! And let me know if you have any feedback!)
So glad you found your way here! I adore coach-y content, and there’s a ton of it in the world, including mine.
I’m hoping to invite you to take just a second to actual check in with your own wisdom and experiences, instead, via little quizzes – who doesn’t love a good Buzzfeed quiz? Until your answers feed hackers – none of that happening here.
Please take as quick or as long as seems right with the questions! You can always come back and start again, and if you want a record, you can enter your email at the end to get the answers mailed to you. That will sign you up to my mailing list if that’s not how you got here in the first place – it’ll be once a week, same format. Thanks for playing!
(just a little warm-up chat!)





(adds it to my email list too, if it’s not there already – hello!)