In a pretty nice, dry way for now.
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Hello, emotions!
They can be complicated, and we often don’t have the patience or the vocabulary to dig deep.
But they are friends, with information for you – let’s go just a little ways down!
Please take as quick or as long as seems right with the questions! You can always come back and start again. If you want a record of your answers, you can enter your email at the final screen to get your responses mailed to you. (That will sign you up to my mailing list if that’s not how you got here in the first place – it’ll be once a week, same format.) Thanks for playing!
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Emotions exist, whether you’re conscious of them or not.
(Your body is tuned into and reacting to the thoughts in your head, or instinctive reactions of your brain to the environment, always)
How conscious of your emotions are you?
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I’m a well-oiled weathervane, spinning in the tiniest emotional breeze.
I know what I feel, more or less.
It’s the emotional equivalent of a hurricane before I realize something’s going on.
What do you think about your level of consciousness/awareness of feelings?
(No right answers here, just getting an idea! And as always, I just put answers there for fun and idea-sparking and I love writing them, they make me giggle. Not trying to cover all possibilities, at all. PLEASE let your answer be what you really want – I’m guessing you’ll have to type.)
I have chosen the right level of consciousness, obviously.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsActually, I am conscious of bad feelings accutely, but never the positive. ๐
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsHmm, I notice and celebrate the positive, but when it comes to the negative my mind just drifts away….
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsI wish I were a little less sensitive, let more things roll off my back.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsIt would be good to not be hit by a semi of emotions because I hadn’t noticed them building up….
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What’s the most intense feeling you’ve had lately?
(whatever stands out)
How did you answer the last question?
And what went through your mind as you were searching for it?
I told the story of the circumstance – what was happening that made me feel that way.
I told the story of what was going on in my brain – I know my thoughts are what made me feel that way. Someone else might have felt differently in the same situation.
I couldn’t stop at just one feeling – there was a lot compounded right then!
Thinking of that emotion you typed, was it:
A positive emotion and I’m glad I felt that way.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsA negative emotion – and it’s ok that I felt that way.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsA positive emotion, and I’m ashamed I felt that way (strong shadenfreude, maybe?)
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsA negative emotion, and I hate the situation for making me feel that way.
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Add RecommendationAdd TagsA negative emotion, and I’m judging myself for not being more chipper about the situation.
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Negative emotions are a part of a rich, full life. Grief comes because you loved, anger can mean you care, disappointed from having hope.
“Dirty” negative emotions are very optional though. Like when you’re judging yourself (for anything, but extra fun when you’re judging yourself for the original negative feeling), or when you’re arguing and resisting the situation.
What would you guess the balance of “clean” negative emotion to “dirty” negative emotion would be?
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Muddy McMudville. Let no negative emotion be unjudged or unprotested!
I try not to complicate things; it works sometimes.
I’m as clean as a whistle! I don’t know how that’s possible; how clean are whistles?
Any realizations from this little quiz? It’s always nice to write down the takeaways…
And to leave on a good note – what’s the best feeling/set of feelings you’ve ever had? What made it so great?
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Thanks for diving into feelings with me!
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(adds you to my email list too, if you’re not there already – hello!)